EDU 105 Introduction to Education
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.
An introduction to the teaching profession.Topics include: purposes of schools in society;and knowledge, dispositions, and performancerequired to be an effective teacher.
Prerequisites: AFL 085 or appropriate placement test score
EDU 110 Educational Technology
3 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 2 Lab Hours.
A course on using educational technology as aninstructional resource. Topics include: types anduses of software, selecting technologies forachieving curricular goals, and aligningelectronic media production with instructionalgoals.
Prerequisites: IM 105 or appropriate placement test score
EDU 200 Individuals With Exceptionalities
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.
A course on concepts and techniques for workingwith exceptional children and youth in variededucational and community settings. Topicsinclude: identifying developmentalcharacteristics for physical, cognitive, andsocial development disabilities; adaptinglearning environments; giftedness; legal issues;and community resources.
Prerequisites: ECE 145
EDU 210 Learning in Childhood
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.
A course on major theories of human developmentand learning. Topics include: motivation,instructional strategies, assessment,similarities and differences in learners, andother factors affecting student learning anddevelopment.
Prerequisites: PSY 110