CPDM 145 Data Reporting
4 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 3 Lab Hours.
A course on using Crystal Reports as the tool to design and deliver reports that include tables, charts, and graphs as part of a Web-based application linked to an SQL server database.
Prerequisites: IT 101, IT 110, IT 111 or CIT 110 (minimum grade C for all)
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3 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 3 Lab Hours.
A course on the ASP.NET framework using C#. Topics include: introduction to C# language and syntax, Web forms, server controls, master pages, AJAX, and data driven applications.
Prerequisites: IT 101, IT 110, IT 111, (minimum grade C for all)
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3 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 3 Lab Hours.
A continuation of CPDM 151. Topics include: advanced ASP.NET server controls, building custom classes, Web services, designing Web applications from abstract requirements, and effectively utilizing online reference materials.
Prerequisites: CPDM 151
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CPDM 190 Cooperative Education Preparation: Computer Programming and Database Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 0 Lab Hour.
A course that prepares students in the CPDM program for cooperative education. Topics include: using the PlacePro software system, resume development, interview skills, and cooperative education requirements, policies and procedures.
Prerequisites: None
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CPDM 191 Part-Time Cooperative Education 1: Computer Programming and Database Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.
Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their first part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: None
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CPDM 192 Part-Time Cooperative Education 2: Computer Programming and Database Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.
Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their second part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: CPDM 191
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CPDM 193 Part-Time Cooperative Education 3: Computer Programming and Database Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.
Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their third part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: CPDM 192
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CPDM 194 Part-Time Cooperative Education 4: Computer Programming and Database Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.
Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their fourth part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: CPDM 193
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CPDM 195 Part-Time Cooperative Education 5: Computer Programming and Database Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.
Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their fifth part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: CPDM 194
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CPDM 196 Part-Time Cooperative Education 6: Computer Programming and Database Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.
Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their sixth part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: CPDM 195
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CPDM 198 First Year Special Topics in Computer Programming and Database Management
1-9 Credits. 0 Lecture Hour. 0 Lab Hour.
A course on selected topics related to Computer Programming and Database Management, which gives students opportunities to study information not currently covered in other courses. Grades issued are A, B, C, D, or F.
Prerequisites: Instructor Approval
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CPDM 199 First Year Independent Project in Computer Programming and Database Management
1-9 Credits. 0 Lecture Hour. 0 Lab Hour.
A project related to Computer Programming and Database Management that is completed by one or more students to meet specific educational goals. Projects must have prior approval and supervision by Computer Programming and Database Management faculty. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: Instructor Approval
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CPDM 290 Computer Programming and Database Management Capstone Design Project
4 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 3 Lab Hours.
Students combine their programming and database skills to complete a software application project, such as developing apps for various mobile devices, implementing a functioning database-driven website for a product, programming games for the Xbox, or developing code for the CPDM EDDIE Robot Platform.
Prerequisites: CPDM 152
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CPDM 291 Full-Time Cooperative Education 1: Computer Programming and Database Management
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 40 Lab Hours.
Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their first full-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: None
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CPDM 292 Full-Time Cooperative Education 2: Computer Programming and Database Management
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 40 Lab Hours.
Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their second full-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: CPDM 291
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CPDM 293 Full-Time Cooperative Education 3: Computer Programming and Database Management
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 40 Lab Hours.
Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their third full-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: CPDM 292
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CPDM 294 Internship 1: Computer Programming and Database Management
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 40 Lab Hours.
Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their first unpaid field learning experience related to their degree. Students must follow applicable policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: CPDM 190
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CPDM 295 Internship 2: Computer Programming and Database Management
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 40 Lab Hours.
Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their second unpaid field learning experience related to their degree. Students must follow applicable policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: CPDM 294
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CPDM 298 Second Year Special Topics in Computer Programming and Database Management
1-9 Credits. 0 Lecture Hour. 0 Lab Hour.
A course on selected topics related to Computer Programming and Database Management, which gives students opportunities to study information not currently covered in other courses. Grades issued are A, B, C, D, or F.
Prerequisites: Instructor Approval
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CPDM 299 Second Year Independent Project in Computer Programming and Database Management
1-9 Credits. 0 Lecture Hour. 0 Lab Hour.
A project related to Computer Programming and Database Management that is completed by one or more students to meet specific educational goals. Projects must have prior approval and supervision by Computer Programming and Database Management faculty. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: Instructor Approval
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