AUTO 100 Introduction to Automotive Technology
3 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 3 Lab Hours.
A course on foundation concepts of the automotive industry. Topics include: safety practices, shop equipment and tools, vehicle subsystems, service publications, fasteners, professional responsibilities, and automotive maintenance.
Prerequisites: ENG 085 or appropriate placement test score
AUTO 161
AUTO 111 Engine Repair
3 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 3 Lab Hours.
A course on internal combustion engines. Topics include: engine classification, identification of parts, disassembly, inspection, and measurement; failure analysis; reassembly; and tools and procedures used in the engine rebuilding process.
Prerequisites: AUTO 100
AUTO 140 Suspension and Steering
3 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 3 Lab Hours.
A course on operation, diagnosis, service, and repair of steering and suspension systems. Topics include: wheels and tires, front and rear suspension systems for front-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive vehicles, and wheel alignment angles.
Prerequisites: AUTO 100 and AUTO 161
AUTO 150 Brakes
3 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 3 Lab Hours.
A course on operation, diagnosis, service, and repair of automotive braking systems. Topics include: hydraulic, mechanical, and anti-lock braking systems; power assist units; and machine operations of drums and rotors.
Prerequisites: AUTO 100 and AUTO 161
AUTO 161 Electrical/Electronic Systems 1
3 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 3 Lab Hours.
A course on systematic diagnosis and repair of basic automotive electrical circuits. Topics include: Ohm's law, interpreting wiring schematics, step-by-step testing procedures, starting and charging systems, and automotive component testing.
Prerequisites: ENG 085 or appropriate placement test score
AUTO 100
AUTO 162 Electrical/Electronic Systems 2
3 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 3 Lab Hours.
A continuation of AUTO 161. Topics include: wiring schematic interpretation, diagnosis, and repair of driver information systems, cruise control systems, motor driven accessories, heated glass, and electronic body control systems.
Prerequisites: AUTO 100 and AUTO 161
AUTO 170 Heating and Air Conditioning
3 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 3 Lab Hours.
A course on diagnosis, service, and repair of automotive air conditioning and heating systems. Topics include: performance testing, pressure and leak testing, electrical and mechanical controls, compressors, clutches, safety devices, and ozone-safe service.
Prerequisites: AUTO 100 and AUTO 161
AUTO 175 Powertrain Systems and Service
3 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 3 Lab Hours.
A course on assessment and replacement of major powertrain components. Topics include: procedures for replacing and servicing engines, drivetrain components, automatic transmissions, manual transmissions, and differentials.
Prerequisites: AUTO 100 and AUTO 111 and AUTO 161
AUTO 181 Engine Performance 1
3 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 3 Lab Hours.
A course on engine performance diagnostics and fuel injection and ignition systems. Topics include: evaluation of basic engine mechanical system through vacuum, cylinder power balance, compression, and cylinder leakage testing.
Prerequisites: AUTO 111 and AUTO 161
AUTO 182 Engine Performance 2
3 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 3 Lab Hours.
A continuation of AUTO 181. Topics include: On-Board Diagnostics systems, scan tools that retrieve diagnostic codes and data, diagnostic flow charts, and testing and replacing computer sensor inputs and computer-controlled output components.
Prerequisites: AUTO 181
AUTO 191 Part-Time Cooperative Education 1: Automotive
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.
Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their first part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: BUS 190 (minimum grade C)
AUTO 192 Part-Time Cooperative Education 2: Automotive
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.
Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their second part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: AUTO 191
AUTO 193 Part-Time Cooperative Education 3: Automotive
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.
Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their third part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: AUTO 192
AUTO 194 Part-Time Cooperative Education 4: Automotive
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.
Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their fourth part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: AUTO 193
AUTO 195 Part-Time Cooperative Education 5: Automotive
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.
Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their fifth part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: AUTO 194
AUTO 196 Part-Time Cooperative Education 6: Automotive
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.
Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their sixth part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: AUTO 195
AUTO 198 First Year Special Topics in Automotive
1-9 Credits. 0 Lecture Hour. 0 Lab Hour.
A course on selected topics related to Automotive, which gives students opportunities to study information not currently covered in other courses. Grades issued are A, B, C, D, or F.
Prerequisites: Vary by section
AUTO 199 First Year Independent Project in Automotive
1-9 Credits. 0 Lecture Hour. 0 Lab Hour.
A project related to Automotive that is completed by one or more students to meet specific educational goals. Projects must have prior approval and supervision by Automotive faculty. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: Vary by section
AUTO 291 Full-Time Cooperative Education 1: Automotive
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 40 Lab Hours.
Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their first full-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: BUS 190 (minimum grade C)
AUTO 292 Full-Time Cooperative Education 2: Automotive
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 40 Lab Hours.
Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their second full-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: AUTO 291
AUTO 293 Full-Time Cooperative Education 3: Automotive
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 40 Lab Hours.
Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their third full-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: AUTO 292
AUTO 298 Second Year Special Topics in Automotive
1-9 Credits. 0 Lecture Hour. 0 Lab Hour.
A course on selected topics related to Automotive, which gives students opportunities to study information not currently covered in other courses. Grades issued are A, B, C, D, or F.
Prerequisites: Vary by section
AUTO 299 Second Year Independent Project in Automotive
1-9 Credits. 0 Lecture Hour. 0 Lab Hour.
A project related to Automotive that is completed by one or more students to meet specific educational goals. Projects must have prior approval and supervision by Automotive faculty. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: Vary by section