Interpreter Training Program & Deaf Studies Certificate (ITP & DSC)

This is an archived copy of the 2021-2022 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Interpreter Training Program (ITP)

The Interpreter Training Program at Cincinnati State is a stepping stone toward competency in the field of sign language interpreting, including extensive coursework in American Sign Language (ASL) and Deaf Studies. The combination of classroom instruction, experiential and self-directed growth, and community involvement creates a rich learning environment. Program graduates earn an Associate of Applied Science degree.

Interpreting between ASL and English is a challenging and complex task. Students learning the profession must develop fluency in a language that is different from spoken languages. Once fluency is achieved, students must develop the skills to facilitate communication quickly and accurately between the two languages.

The skills required for success in Interpreter Training cannot be mastered through classroom attendance alone. Students must devote a great deal of time to study, practice, skill development, observation, and community involvement.

To complete the degree program successfully, students must be able to comprehend, write, and speak in English fluently.

For more information, please contact the Humanities and Sciences Division at (513) 569-1700.

To apply for this program at Cincinnati State, visit the Admissions section of the College website.

Deaf Studies Certificate (DSC)

The Deaf Studies certificate enables students to learn about sign language and Deaf culture in order to be involved as an advocate or signer, but not as a paid professional interpreter.

For more information, please contact the Humanities and Sciences Division at (513) 569-1700.

To apply for this program at Cincinnati State, visit the Admissions section of the College website.

Interpreter Training Program (ITP)

Program Prerequisite: ASL 101 Beginning American Sign Language 1 and ASL 102 Beginning American Sign Language 2 and ITP 140 Fingerspelling and Numbers or ITP Program Chair consent.

Semester 1LecLabCredits
ENG 101English Composition 1 ( G) 303
FYE 1XX First Year Experience Elective (B)  101
ITP 125Deaf Culture and History ( B) 202
ITP 120Psychosocial Aspects of Deafness ( B) 202
ASL 201Intermediate American Sign Language 1 ( B) 313
Semester 2  
PSY 110Introduction to Psychology ( G) 303
ITP 135Introduction to the Interpreting Profession ( B) 202
ASL 202Intermediate American Sign Language 2 ( B) 313
ITP 130Legal Issues of Deafness ( B) 101
ENG 1XX English Composition Elective (G)  303
Semester 3  
ITP 220Educational Intepreting ( B) 202
ITP 230Intermediate Assessment ( B) 101
MAT 1XX Mathematics Elective (G)  323
XXX XXX Arts/Humanities Elective (G)  303
ITP XXX Interpreting Elective (B)  202
Semester 4  
ITP 261Advanced Interpreting 1: Sign to Voice ( T) 303
ASL 251Advanced American Sign Language 1 ( T) 313
ITP 250Interactive Interpreting ( T) 303
ITP 270Transliterating ( T) 303
Semester 5  
ITP 265Interpreting in Specialized Settings ( T) 303
ASL 252Advanced American Sign Language 2 ( T) 313
ITP XXX Interpreting Practicum 1 Option (T)  2103
Semester 6  
ITP 262Advanced Interpreting 2: Sign to Voice ( T) 303
ITP 280Interpreter Professionalism ( T) 202
ITP XXX Interpreting Practicum 2 Option (T)  2103
ITP 275Interpreting in Medical Settings ( T) 202
Total Credits:  632665


English Composition Elective
ENG 102English Composition 2: Contemporary Issues3
ENG 103English Composition 2: Writing about Literature3
ENG 104English Composition 2: Technical Communication3
ENG 105English Composition 2: Business Communication3
Interpreting Elective
ITP 205Performance Interpreting2
ITP 210Deaf-Blind Interpreting2
ITP 215Religious Interpreting2
ITP 225Vocabulary Building2
Arts/Humanities Elective
Any Transfer Module course from ART, LIT, MUS, PHI, REL, THE, or COMM 130 3
Mathematics Elective
MAT 111Business Mathematics3
MAT 131Statistics 13
MAT 151College Algebra4
Interpreting Practicum Options (6 credits of practicum required)
ITP 191ITP Limited Practicum 11
ITP 192ITP Limited Practicum 21
ITP 193ITP Limited Practicum 31
ITP 194ITP Limited Practicum 41
ITP 195ITP Limited Practicum 51
ITP 196ITP Limited Practicum 61
ITP 291ITP Parallel Practicum 12
ITP 292ITP Parallel Practicum 22
ITP 293ITP Parallel Practicum 32
ITP 294Educational Interpreting Practicum2
ITP 295ITP General Practicum 13
ITP 296ITP General Practicum 23

Some courses are offered in alternative versions identified with a letter after the course number-- for example, ENG 101 and ENG 101A.

  • This curriculum displays only course numbers without the added letter.
  • The alternative version, when available, meets the requirements of the course version without the added letter.

The letters G, B, and T (displayed after course titles or elective descriptions) identify types of courses required by the Ohio Department of Higher Education as part of an associate’s degree curriculum. 

G = General Education course in this curriculum

B = Basic Skills course in this curriculum

T = Technical course in this curriculum

Deaf Studies Certificate (DSC)

Semester 1LecLabCredits
ITP 120Psychosocial Aspects of Deafness 202
ASL 102Beginning American Sign Language 2 313
ITP 125Deaf Culture and History 202
ITP 140Fingerspelling and Numbers 202
Semester 2  
ITP 130Legal Issues of Deafness 101
ITP 135Introduction to the Interpreting Profession 202
ASL 201Intermediate American Sign Language 1 313
Semester 3  
ITP 220Educational Intepreting 202
ASL 202Intermediate American Sign Language 2 313
ITP XXX Interpreting Elective 1    2
ITP XXX Interpreting Elective 2    2
Total Credits:  20324

Program Prerequisite: Prior to enrolling in ASL 102 Beginning American Sign Language 2, students must complete ASL 101 Beginning American Sign Language 1 (or program chair consent)


Interpreting Elective (select 2 courses)
ITP 205Performance Interpreting2
ITP 210Deaf-Blind Interpreting2
ITP 215Religious Interpreting2

Interpreter Training Program (ITP)

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the profession’s Code of Professional Conduct and professional standards by analyzing interpreting related scenarios using the Demand-Control Schema to determine appropriate actions.
  • Apply academic, professional, and world knowledge to the options and decisions made while interpreting in the community.
  • Exhibit effective interpreting and transliterating skills receptively and expressively.
  • Demonstrate the ability to professionally work within a team environment incorporating appropriate attire, behavior, and ethical business practices.
  • Recognize, understand, and apply the appropriate etiquettes of Deaf Culture norms.
  • Cultivate an openness to new ideas about Deaf awareness and the ability to recognize audism and to avoid oppressive behavior of all kinds.
  • Demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate in ASL with diverse members of the Deaf community in many types of settings.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of multicultural approaches to the work of interpreting and incorporate effective bi-lingual and bi-cultural aspects to the work.
  • Demonstrate the ability to appropriately self-assess signing and voicing skills in relation to a variety of interpreting settings and consumers to make appropriate decisions in regards to discretion in accepting assignments.
  • Demonstrate effective interpreting skills in one-on-one, small group, and some large group settings as an entry level interpreter in the field.


ITP 120 Psychosocial Aspects of Deafness
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

An introductory course on psychosocial aspects of Deafness. Topics include: language, norms of behavior, values, and traditions within Deafness; and the evolution of the view of Deaf people from a pathological to a cultural perspective.
Prerequisites: None

ITP 125 Deaf Culture and History
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

An introductory course on the unique characteristics influencing Deaf people throughout the past hundred years, and the achievements and accomplishments of Deaf individuals in various professional fields.
Prerequisites: None

ITP 130 Legal Issues of Deafness
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on the legal rights of the Deaf and people with other disabilities, and the social service organizations and other agencies that serve the Deaf population.
Prerequisites: None

ITP 135 Introduction to the Interpreting Profession
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course offering a framework for understanding the field of interpreting. Topics include: role of the interpreter in various settings, the interpreting process, physical factors, language variations, and the Code of Professional Conduct.
Prerequisites: None

ITP 140 Fingerspelling and Numbers
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course providing intensive practice in comprehension and production of fingerspelled words and numbers, with emphasis on clarity and accuracy.
Prerequisites: ITP 101 (minimum grade C) or ITP Program Chair consent

ITP 191 ITP Limited Practicum 1
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 3 Lab Hours.

Students spend three hours per week in educational institutions and community agencies, completing supervised observation and practice in the role of the interpreter. Students also participate in weekly seminars.
Prerequisites: ITP 250 (minimum grade C)

ITP 192 ITP Limited Practicum 2
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 3 Lab Hours.

A continuation of ITP 191. Students spend three hours per week in educational institutions and community agencies, completing supervised observation and practice in the role of the interpreter. Students also participate in weekly seminars.
Prerequisites: ITP 191 (minimum grade C)

ITP 193 ITP Limited Practicum 3
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 3 Lab Hours.

A continuation of ITP 192. Students spend three hours per week in educational institutions and community agencies, completing supervised observation and practice in the role of the interpreter. Students also participate in weekly seminars.
Prerequisites: ITP 192 (minimum grade C)

ITP 194 ITP Limited Practicum 4
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 3 Lab Hours.

A continuation of ITP 193. Students spend three hours per week in educational institutions and community agencies, completing supervised observation and practice in the role of the interpreter. Students also participate in weekly seminars.
Prerequisites: ITP 193 (minimum grade C)

ITP 195 ITP Limited Practicum 5
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 3 Lab Hours.

A continuation of ITP 194. Students spend three hours per week in educational institutions and community agencies, completing supervised observation and practice in the role of the interpreter. Students also participate in weekly seminars.
Prerequisites: ITP 194 (minimum grade C)

ITP 196 ITP Limited Practicum 6
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 3 Lab Hours.

A continuation of ITP 195. Students spend three hours per week in educational institutions and community agencies, completing supervised observation and practice in the role of the interpreter. Students also participate in weekly seminars.
Prerequisites: ITP 195 (minimum grade C)

ITP 205 Performance Interpreting
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on interpreting for theatre and other performance art venues. Topics include: vocabulary and skill building, and script translation.
Prerequisites: ITP 201 (minimum grade C)

ITP 210 Deaf-Blind Interpreting
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on the skills, protocols, and techniques necessary to communicate with, interpret for, and guide individuals who are Deaf-Blind.
Prerequisites: ITP 201 (minimum grade C)

ITP 215 Religious Interpreting
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on interpreting in religious settings. Topics include: religious signs and their relationships to various religious settings.
Prerequisites: ITP 201 (minimum grade C)

ITP 220 Educational Intepreting
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on interpreting in educational settings. Topics include: the educational setting, the code of professional conduct, inservicing, and the IEP process. The Ohio Department of Education's Interpreter Guidelines are included in the curriculum.
Prerequisites: ITP 201 (minimum grade C)

ITP 225 Vocabulary Building
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course reviewing sign vocabulary already learned as well as introduction of new vocabulary in order to scaffold the student?s sign vocabulary base. Topics include:  ASL structure, appropriate sign parameters, and conceptual accuracy.
Prerequisites: ITP 201 (minimum grade C)

ITP 230 Intermediate Assessment
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on reviewing and teaching ASL vocabulary and structure, culminating in the Intermediate Assessment. Students receive a course grade of Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: ITP 201 (minimum grade C)
Corequisites: ITP 202:

ITP 250 Interactive Interpreting
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on theoretical strategies and practice in interpreting simultaneously between spoken English and American Sign Language. Topics include: applying components of the Demand-Control schema, and applying advanced interpreting techniques. Students must pass this class as a prerequisite to practicum experience.
Prerequisites: ITP 202 and ITP 230 (minimum grade C for both)

ITP 261 Advanced Interpreting 1: Sign to Voice
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on principles and strategies of interpreting from American Sign Language into spoken and written English equivalents. Topics include: the technical and mental processes involved in ASL-to-English interpretation simultaneously and consecutively using the Colonomos and Gish Models.
Prerequisites: ITP 202 and ITP 230 (minimum grade C for both)

ITP 262 Advanced Interpreting 2: Sign to Voice
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A continuation of ITP 261. Topics include: signing with live models and unknown material.
Prerequisites: ITP 261 (minimum 80% on Voicing Evaluation)

ITP 265 Interpreting in Specialized Settings
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on specialized vocabulary used in advanced interpreting settings. Topics include: vocabulary related to mental health, social work, and legal interpreting settings.
Prerequisites: ITP 202 and ITP 230 (minimum grade C for both)

ITP 270 Transliterating
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on transmitting spoken English into English-based sign language. Topics include: initialized signs and other English-related communication systems.
Prerequisites: ITP 202 and ITP 230 (minimum grade C for both)

ITP 275 Interpreting in Medical Settings
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on applying interpreting/transliterating skills in medical settings. Topics include: development of discourse analysis, expressive and receptive skills production, feedback on interpreting skills in this specialized setting, development of specialized vocabulary, and application of the Demand-Control schema.
Prerequisites: ITP 202 and ITP 230 (minimum grade C for both)

ITP 280 Interpreter Professionalism
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on the professional components of becoming a sign language interpreter. Topics include: resume building; and appropriate conduct in the workplace, in interviews, and online.
Prerequisites: ITP 251 (minimum grade C)

ITP 291 ITP Parallel Practicum 1
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 5 Lab Hours.

Students spend five hours per week in educational institutions and community agencies, completing supervised observation and practice in the role of the interpreter. Students also participate in weekly seminars.
Prerequisites: ITP 250 (minimum grade C)

ITP 292 ITP Parallel Practicum 2
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 5 Lab Hours.

A continuation of ITP 291. Students spend five hours per week in educational institutions and community agencies, completing supervised observation and practice in the role of the interpreter. Students also participate in weekly seminars.
Prerequisites: ITP 291 (minimum grade C)

ITP 293 ITP Parallel Practicum 3
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 5 Lab Hours.

A continuation of ITP 292. Students spend five hours per week in educational institutions and community agencies, completing supervised observation and practice in the role of the interpreter. Students also participate in weekly seminars.
Prerequisites: ITP 292 (minimum grade C)

ITP 294 Educational Interpreting Practicum
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 5 Lab Hours.

Students spend 100 hours during the semester in a K-12 setting completing supervised observations of a working interpreter and practice in the role of an educational interpreter. Students also participate in weekly seminars.
Prerequisites: ITP 192 or ITP 291 or ITP 295 (minimum grade C for all)

ITP 295 ITP General Practicum 1
3 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 10 Lab Hours.

Students spend ten hours per week in educational institutions and community agencies, completing supervised observation and practice in the role of the interpreter. Students also participate in weekly seminars.
Prerequisites: ITP 250 (minimum grade C)

ITP 296 ITP General Practicum 2
3 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 10 Lab Hours.

A continuation of ITP 295. Students spend ten hours per week in educational institutions and community agencies, completing supervised observation and practice in the role of the interpreter. Students also participate in weekly seminars.
Prerequisites: ITP 295 (minimum grade C)


Program Chair/Advisor

Dawn Caudill, CI, CT, NAD5

Other Full-time Faculty

Anthony Merchinsky, BS