This is an archived copy of the 2021-2022 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit


ST 100 Introduction to Surgical Technology
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on the history and development of surgical technology. Topics include: the perioperative environment, surgical instrumentation, the surgical technologist's role and attributes for success, professional organizations, and legal terms related to the profession.
Prerequisites: None

ST 101 Surgical Foundations and Procedures 1
6 Credits. 6 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on concepts and skills for surgical technology. Topics include: professional and workplace management; medical terminology; informatics; patient care; surgical asepsis and infection control; decontamination, disinfection, and reprocessing methods; instrumentation; sterile storage and distribution; basic pharmacology; anesthesia; specimen care; and surgical supplies and equipment.
Prerequisites: Admitted to the ST program through the selective enrollment process, and ST 100 and BIO 151 and MAT 105, and one FYE course (minimum grade C for all), and instructor consent

Instructor Consent Required

ST 102 Surgical Foundations and Procedures 2
6 Credits. 6 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A continuation of ST 101. Topics include: wound classifications; wound healing; tissue approximation; sutures; abdominal incisions; and procedural steps for abdominal wall hernia repairs, and gastrointestinal and accessory organs, breast, gynecological, obstetrical, and plastic/reconstructive surgery.
Prerequisites: BIO 152 and BIO 220 and ST 101 (minimum grade C for all), and ST 111

ST 111 Surgical Principles and Practice 1
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 3 Lab Hours.

A course that prepares students to perform assistant circulating skills through activities conducted in a simulated operating room setting on campus.
Prerequisites: Admitted to the ST program through the selective enrollment process, and ST 100 (minimum grade of C), and instructor consent

Instructor Consent Required

ST 112 Surgical Principles and Practice 2
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 3 Lab Hours.

A course that prepares students to perform first scrub role skills through activities conducted in a simulated operating room setting on campus.
Prerequisites: ST 101 (minimum grade C), and ST 111

ST 181 Surgical Technology Clinical Skills Application 1
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 3 Lab Hours.

Students participate in uncompensated clinical experiences performing beginning-level assistant circulating skills in the operating room of an affiliate hospital, and attend a weekly seminar.
Prerequisites: ST 101 (minimum grade C), and ST 111

ST 182 Surgical Technology Clinical Skills Application 2
2 Credits. 0 Lecture Hour. 6 Lab Hours.

A continuation of ST 181. Students perform uncompensated beginning-level scrub skills during assigned operative procedures at an affiliate hospital. Students' skills are evaluated in relation to future employment.
Prerequisites: ST 102 (minimum grade C), and ST 112 and ST 181

ST 201 Advanced Surgical Procedures 1
4 Credits. 4 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on specialized surgical procedures. Topics include: otorhinolaryngology procedures including head/neck and oral maxillary surgery; and ophthalmic, genitourinary, and orthopedic surgery.
Prerequisites: ST 102 (minimum grade C), and ST 112 and ST 181

ST 202 Advanced Surgical Procedures 2
4 Credits. 4 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A continuation of ST 201. Topics include: perivascular, thoracic, cardiac, neurology, and transplant surgery, and pediatric procedures.
Prerequisites: ST 201 (minimum grade C), and ST 182

ST 281 Surgical Technology Clinical Directed Practice 1
5 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 24 Lab Hours.

Students demonstrate competency in scrub skills related to general and specialty operative procedures at an assigned affiliate hospital, and attend a weekly seminar on campus.
Prerequisites: ST 201 (minimum grade C), and ST 182

ST 282 Surgical Technology Clinical Directed Practice 2
5 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 24 Lab Hours.

A continuation of ST 281. Students demonstrate competency in scrub skills while performing assigned procedures at an affiliate hospital, and attend a weekly seminar on campus. Students must complete the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA) certification examination as a course requirement.
Prerequisites: ST 202 (minimum grade C), and ST 281