Grading Policies

This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Grade Reports

Course grades are available to students at the end of each semester through the MyServices section of the College website. It is the student’s responsibility to check his or her grades for accuracy. Any errors, discrepancies, or omissions should be reported to the instructor and/or division dean responsible for the course. Student concerns about grades should be made known within 30 days of the end of the semester for which the grade was issued. (See Academic Appeals Procedures elsewhere in this Catalog.)

Grade Changes

Changes to course grades must be initiated by the instructor who issued the grade, and must be submitted to the appropriate division dean for approval no later than two semesters after the semester in which the grade was originally issued. The division dean forwards all approved grade changes directly to the Office of the Registrar for processing.

Grading Standards

The College does not have a universal policy or standard for determining grades for courses or assignments. Grading policies and procedures are the prerogative of each instructor. In some instances, academic departments or programs have established grading standards that apply to a particular course or group of courses. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of their instructors' grading policies, and to seek this information from the instructor if necessary.

Grading System and Credits Earned

The following system is used to record student achievement or status in courses:

Grade Point Value

Grade Explanation Grade Point Value Per Credit Hour
A Excellent 4.000
B Good 3.000
C Average 2.000
D Poor 1.000
F Failure to complete course requirements 0.000
W Withdrawal Not Computed
AC Advanced Placement Exam Not Computed
CL CLEP Credit Not Computed
EC Cincinnati State Proficiency Examination Credit Not Computed
EL External Certificate/Learning Exam Not Computed
ET External Formal Training Program Not Computed
EX Work Experience Credit Not Computed
I Incomplete Not Computed
IP Incomplete S/U Not Computed
K Transfer Credit Not Computed
N No Grade Reported Not Computed
S Satisfactory Not Computed
TP Tech Prep Credit Not Computed
U Unsatisfactory Not Computed
VO Vocational Teacher Referral Credit Not Computed
X Audit Not Computed

Calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA)

Cumulative GPA is calculated as the total quality points earned (grade point value per credit hour, listed above) divided by the total credit hours attempted for courses bearing quality points at the College.

Semester GPA is calculated as the total quality points earned divided by the total credit hours attempted for courses bearing quality points for the semester.

Program GPA is calculated as the total quality points earned divided by the total credit hours attempted for all courses bearing quality points listed in the student’s current Degree Audit curriculum. The Degree Audit curriculum is the list of requirements the student must complete in order to earn a degree or certificate. See Graduation Requirements elsewhere in this Catalog for additional information.

Foundations-level Mathematics courses that use course numbers beginning with a zero, as well as English as a Second Language courses, are not calculated in the GPA. (Examples: MAT 091, ESL 051.)

Incomplete (I or IP)

A grade of I (incomplete) or IP (incomplete for classes graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis) is awarded at the discretion of the instructor. When unusual circumstances prevent a student from completing course requirements during the semester in which the student is enrolled, the instructor may agree to record a grade of I or IP until the final grade is established. Timetables and requirements for the completion of the course are the instructor’s prerogative. However, if a final grade has not been submitted to the Office of the Registrar by the last instructional day of the following semester, a grade of F or U (as applicable) will be automatically recorded.

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grades (S/U)

The grade of S represents satisfactory performance, or passing, in those courses graded satisfactory/unsatisfactory. Only grades of C or higher are considered passing in the satisfactory/unsatisfactory system.

No Grade Reported (N)

An N grade is administratively assigned by the Office of the Registrar if no grades are reported by the instructor for an individual student or for an entire section of a course. A grade of N is not issued to individual students by the instructor.

Official Course Withdrawal (W)

Students who withdraw from a full-semester, regularly-scheduled course after the Last Day to Drop a Course for the semester through the Last Day to Withdrawal receive a grade of W for the course. Students who withdraw from a flexibly-scheduled course after the day designated as the Last Day to Drop a Course for that course section through the day designated as the Last Day to Withdraw from that course section receive a grade of W for the course. A W grade is not computed in the student’s GPA.

Non-Attendance Leading to Administrative Withdrawal

The following policies pertain to all courses.

  • A student who is enrolled in a course and does not attend any class sessions of that course for the consecutive equivalent of 20% of the total course length, at any time during the semester, may be administratively withdrawn from the course.
  • Non-attendance is defined by the "Non-Attendance" policy and the "Non-Attendance in Web-based and Hybrid Courses" policy listed in this Catalog.
  • Faculty members who implement the Administrative Withdrawal policy will include information in their course syllabus explaining how attendance is taken and stating that the consecutive equivalent of 20% of the total course length of non-attendance will lead to administrative withdrawal.
  • Faculty members who implement this policy will inform the academic dean (of the division that offers the course) of the last date of attendance for any student who does not attend course sessions for the consecutive equivalent of 20% of the total course length.
  • The last day an instructor may submit an Administrative Withdrawal is the date published in the College's Important Dates Chart on the College website as the last day to withdraw from a course, as applicable for the 15-week and/or 10-week session of a semester. 
  • The dean will notify the Registrar to administratively withdraw the student from the course.

Audit (X)

Students interested in taking a course without receiving a grade or credit may register to audit the course. No college credit may be earned or later claimed for an audited course. Regular tuition is charged for courses being audited. Requirements for attendance, completion of assignments, and examinations are the prerogatives of the instructor of the course.

A student may not request a transfer from credit to audit or vice versa after the Last Day to Drop a Course for the semester.

Dean’s List/Academic Merit

Students who earn in one semester 12 or more credit hours for academic courses for which quality points are awarded will qualify for Dean’s List status if their GPA for the current semester is 3.5 or greater and no grades of I, IP, F, or U have been earned in the current semester. Academic foundations-level courses and English as a Second Language courses are not included in GPA calculations for the Dean’s List.

Students who earn in one semester between six and 11 credit hours for academic courses for which quality points are awarded will qualify for Academic Merit status if their GPA for the current semester is 3.5 or greater and no grades of I, IP, F, or U have been earned in the current semester. Academic foundations-level courses and English as a Second Language courses are not included in GPA calculations for Academic Merit.

Students who receive a grade of N will not initially be eligible for Dean’s List or Academic Merit. To be eligible for Dean’s List or Academic Merit, the grade change for the N grade must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by the end of the tenth instructional day of the following semester. Grade changes for N grades submitted after the tenth instructional day of the following semester will not be recalculated for Dean’s List or Academic Merit status. Recalculation for Dean’s List and Academic Merit status will be done only for N grades issued for the immediately preceding semester and only if the grade changes are submitted by the deadline.

Academic Probation, Suspension, and Dismissal

Cincinnati State students enrolled in a degree or certificate program must demonstrate satisfactory performance to remain in good academic standing at the College. Students who do not demonstrate satisfactory performance will be placed on academic probation. If the work of a student on probation does not improve, the student may be subject to academic suspension and then academic dismissal from the College. A student cannot graduate from a degree or certificate program while on academic probation or academic suspension.

(Note: Standards of satisfactory progress as applied to a student's financial aid award are described in the Financial Aid Resources section of the College website.)

Academic Warning

Students will be placed on academic warning if at least one of these conditions has occurred:

  • The student has attempted 12 or more college level credits and has a semester GPA below 2.0
  • The student has earned a semester grade of F in one foundations-level Math course or English as a Second Language course

A student on academic warning must meet with an advisor prior to registering for classes.

Academic Probation

Students will be placed on academic probation if at least one of these conditions has occurred:

  • The student has attempted 12 or more college level credits and has a cumulative GPA below 2.0
  • The student has earned a semester grade of F in more than one foundations-level Math course or English as a Second Language course

A student on academic probation must:

  1. Meet with an academic advisor prior to registering for classes. The number of credits for which the student may register will be determined in consultation with the advisor, up to a maximum of 12 credits.
  2. Develop a plan for achieving academic success. This plan may be completed during an advising appointment or as part of other activities the College may offer.
  3. Register for classes during the On Time Registration period. Students on academic probation are not permitted to register during the Late Registration period.

Academic Suspension

Students will be placed on academic suspension when one of these conditions has occurred:

  • A student who is on academic probation due to a cumulative GPA below 2.0 earns a semester GPA below 2.0 in the subsequent semester.
  • A student who is on academic probation due to failing more than one foundations-level course or English as a Second Language course in a semester fails another foundations-level or English as a Second Language course in the subsequent semester.

A student on academic suspension may not register for any courses at Cincinnati State for two semesters, and may not represent the College or participate in College-sponsored activities, except activities intended to help the student improve his or her academic performance.

A student may appeal the academic suspension through a written request to the Provost. The written request must include a rationale for the appeal and supporting documentation. The decision of the Provost is final.

Returning after Academic Suspension

A student who is returning to the College after academic suspension must adhere to the following conditions:

  • The student must meet with his or her program chair or academic advisor to determine a plan for academic success
  • The student must have permission from his or her program chair or academic advisor before registering for any classes
  • The student must maintain a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher in every enrolled semester and must earn a grade of C or higher in all foundations-level courses and English as a Second Language classes. The student will continue to be considered on academic probation as long as the student’s cumulative GPA is below 2.0.

In addition, it is strongly suggested that the student schedule an Academic Counseling session in the Counseling Center.

Academic Dismissal

Cincinnati State expects students to demonstrate continued academic success while enrolled at the College. A student who has returned to the College after academic suspension and is still on probation (because of a cumulative GPA below 2.0) is expected to raise his or her cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher by the time the student has earned 24 additional credits. Failure to attain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above after returning from academic suspension and completing 24 additional credits will result in academic dismissal.

A student who has been academically dismissed may not register for any courses for a period of three semesters.

A student may appeal the academic dismissal through a written request to the Provost. The written request must include a rationale for the appeal and supporting documentation. The decision of the Provost is final.