THZ - Hazmat

This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit


THZ 101 First Responder-OSHA HAZMAT Operations Level
0.5 Credits. 0.5 Lecture Hour. 0 Lab Hour.

This course is designed to meet the basic operations level to be a hazrdaous materials (HAZMAT) First Responder. Course topics focus on basic hazard recognition/risk assessment and defensive spill containment techniques. This course is designed to meet the OSHA, USEPA, USDOT, & NFPA training requirements for individuals who handle and/or exposed to hazardous substances. A hazardous substances includes hazardous materials and hazardous wastes.
Prerequisites: None

THZ 103 HAZMAT (HAZWOPER) Annual Refresher
0.5 Credits. 0.5 Lecture Hour. 0 Lab Hour.

A course that meets the annual refresher training requirements for individuals who perform environmental clean-up remediation work at sites regulated by federal and state environmental protection agencies. This course also meets the OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 (HAZWOPER) standard and NFPA Standard 472 for Professional Qualifications for Hazardous Materials Responders.
Prerequisites: None

THZ 104 OSHA 24-Hour HAZMAT (HAZWOPER) l Technician
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on defensive and offensive measures that stop and contain hazardous substance spills and releases. Topics include: USDOT HAZMAT labeling, air monitoring, DECON operations, respiratory protections, and spill control. This course meets the OSHA, EPA, NFPA and DOT training requirements for individuals who handle and/or are exposed to hazardous material and hazardous waste.
Prerequisites: None

THZ 105 OSHA 40-Hour HAZMAT (HAZWOPER) Workshop
3 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 1 Lab Hour.

A course for individuals who will perform hazardous materials response activities at the HAZMAT Technician level, and for personnel involved with investigation and remediation of hazardous waste sites and "Brown Fields" at the General Site Worker Level. This course meets regulatory requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 and 29 CFR 1926.62 (Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response), NFPA Standard 472, and USEPA 40 CFR 311.
Prerequisites: None

Instructor Consent Required

THZ 106 On-Scene Hazardous Materials and All Hazards Incident Command Workshop
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on duties and responsibilities of an On-Scene Incident Commander for all types of hazardous materials and critical incidents. Topics include: National Incident Management System (NIMS), OSHA and FEMA risk assessment, emergency response planning, and HAZMAT strategy and tactics.
Prerequisites: None

THZ 110 Basic Hazardous Materials Chemistry
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 0 Lab Hour.

A basic chemistry course specifically designed to assist emergeny services and safety professionals who manage or respond to a hazardous material (HAZMAT) event. Topics include: atomic structures, chemical elements, periodic table, chemical bonding, chemical reactions and HAZMAT chemical terminology.
Prerequisites: None

THZ 120 Disaster Preparedness and Business Continuity Planning
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course that provides the private and public sector manaagement, emergency services, or safety professional an in-depth understanding of management issues involved in disaster planning and an organization's ability to restore normal business operations. Topics include: emergency response plans, risk assessment, crisis management teams, business continuity planning, and continuity of operations. The course materials are based on Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and NFPA 1600-Business Continuity Planning.
Prerequisites: THZ 110

THZ 130 Radiological and Biological Emergency Preparedness Planning
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course for emergency services or safety professionals, US military personnel, or private sector risk managers on radiological and biological incidents and their consequences. Topics include: terminology, the National Response Framework (NRF) Plan, biological threats, damage assessment, and containment and recovery protocols.
Prerequisites: None

Instructor Consent Required

THZ 140 Introduction to WMD Terrorism
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course for emergency services and safety professionals and private sector safety and emergency management professionals on terrorism and employment of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Topics include: counter-terrorism and anti-terrorism techniques employed by US federal agencies and the US Department of Defense; and use of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives in a terrorist incident.
Prerequisites: None

Instructor Consent Required

THZ 141 Consequences of Terrorism
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course for emergency services or safety professionals on understanding how terrorists plan and execute an attack. Topics include: history of terrorism, terrorist tactics and operations, case studies of terrorist attacks, and cultural and political awareness.
Prerequisites: TBE 101

Instructor Consent Required

THZ 150 Disaster Modeling
2.5 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 1 Lab Hour.

A course for emergency services or private sector safety professionals on the computer modeling systems used to conduct "plume" analysis. Topics include: CAMEO (Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations), GIS (Geographic Information Systems), WISER (Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders) HAZMAT (Hazardous Material) Response Planning, Emergency Operation Centers, and integration of modeling software into the Common Operating Picture.
Prerequisites: None

Instructor Consent Required

THZ 160 Crisis Media Relations
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 0 Lab Hour.

A course for the public and/or private sector spokesperson or public affairs officer on media relations and operations during a crisis. Topics include: types of media, public information officer duties and responsibilities, press kits, media plans, and press briefings.
Prerequisites: None

Instructor Consent Required