Student Rights and Responsibilities

This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

In healthy communities organized along democratic principles, participants recognize rights as well as responsibilities. This section of the Catalog outlines certain rights and responsibilities as they apply to students, including:

  • Discussion of Cincinnati State’s embrace of a broad statement of Student Rights and Freedoms
  • Specific legal rights that are detailed in state and federal law involving privacy and discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and the like.
  • A student’s right to be free from sexual harassment, and to enjoy a drug-free environment.

The section on responsibilities deals mainly with the Student Code of Conduct, the College’s policy on responsible use of information technology and peer-to-peer file sharing, and other non-academic policies of the College.

The College’s policy on Academic Integrity is covered in the Academic Policies and Procedures section of this Catalog.