SOC - Sociology


SOC 100 Survey of Social Issues
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

Study of societal issues such as divorce, immigration, welfare, crime, terrorism, and other topics.
Prerequisites: None
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SOC 105 Introduction to Sociology
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on concepts and theories of contemporary sociology. Topics include: sociology as a science; culture; socialization; social change; deviance; and major social institutions such as family, religion, education, and government.
Prerequisites: Placement into ENG 101A
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Ohio Transfer Module Approved

Ohio Transfer Assurance Guide Approved

SOC 110 Social Problems
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on concepts and theories related to social problems in contemporary society. Topics include: poverty, race, immigration, urbanization, aging, politics and economy, media and technology, and war and terrorism.
Prerequisites: SOC 105 and ENG 101
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Ohio Transfer Assurance Guide Approved

SOC 115 Marriage and the Family
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on concepts and theories related to marriage and family as social institutions. Topics include: historical perspectives on marriage, male and female roles, parenting, impact of family on the individual, and impact of society on marital roles.
Prerequisites: SOC 105 and ENG 101
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Ohio Transfer Module Approved

Ohio Transfer Assurance Guide Approved

SOC 120 The African American Family
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on interdisciplinary concepts and theories related to contemporary African American families. Topics include: family life and social stratification; dynamics of middle class, working class, and low income families; and social and economic support structures for families.
Prerequisites: SOC 105 and ENG 101
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SOC 130 Sociology of Aging
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on concepts and theories of aging. Topics include: the aging process and the impact of an aging population on individuals and social institutions.
Prerequisites: SOC 105 and ENG 101
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Ohio Transfer Module Approved

SOC 140 Sociology of Gender
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on concepts and theories of gender. Topics include: development of sex roles, how sex roles affect individuals and social institutions, and changing role patterns in the United States and elsewhere.
Prerequisites: SOC 105 and ENG 101
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Ohio Transfer Module Approved

SOC 200 Race, Ethnicity, and Minorities
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on concepts and theories of race and ethnicity within society. Topics include: the effects of prejudice and discrimination on individuals and social institutions.
Prerequisites: SOC 105 and 6 credits of English Composition
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Ohio Transfer Assurance Guide Approved