ENGĀ 131 Creative Writing: Poetry 3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.
A workshop-oriented poetry writing course. Topics include: the invention process, revision, poetic form, and critical response to works of literature and student work.
Prerequisites: 6 Credit Hours of English Composition
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Courses Earned through AP Exam Credit
...5 ENG 101 : English Composition 1 & ENG 102...131 : Statistics 1 3 Statistics 5 MAT 131...
Courses Available for Credit by Cincinnati State Exam (Test Out)
...Monitor ENG 101 English Composition A. Thompson ENG...1 R. Whaley EET 131 Circuit Analysis 1...
Bioscience Certificate (BSCC)
...for example, ENG 101 and ENG 101A. This...of Life or BIO 131 Biology 1 , and...
Respiratory Care Technology (RC)
...institution; and ready to take MAT 131 and ENG 101. Electives Some courses are offered...