Fire Service Leadership (FSTL)

This is an archived copy of the 2021-2022 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Fire Service Leadership (FSTL)

The Fire Service Leadership program provides additional knowledge and expertise for certified firefighters who are interested in furthering their careers while earning an Associate of Applied Science degree. 

The scope of fire service encompasses many challenging community needs. Fire service professionals must be prepared to respond to and meet these needs. Effective leaders in today’s fire service incorporate changing technologies and skills into their fire department Standard Operating Guidelines. Effective leaders also must be experts in fire behavior and safety, display decisive internal and external communication, be familiar with laws that govern Fire/EMS, and embrace diversity within the department and community. 

Firefighters must have at least five years of experience prior to beginning the second year curriculum of the Fire Service Leadership program. 

Students are eligible to earn advanced standing credit for industry credentials. Students who earn all possible advanced standing credit can complete the remainder of the degree program by taking online courses. 

Students must earn grades of C or better in all FST classes. 

Applicants must present copies of previous certifications pertaining to fire fighting and emergency medical services.

For more information, please contact the Health and Public Safety Division at (513) 569-1670.

To apply for this program at Cincinnati State, visit the Admissions section of the College website.

Fire Service Leadership (FSTL)

Program Prerequisites: MAT 093 Math Literacy, ENG 085 Applications of College Reading and Writing, or appropriate placement, and a minimum of five years of experience as a firefighter prior to beginning the second year curriculum of this program.

Semester 1LecLabCredits
FST 123Principles of Emergency Services ( B) 303
ENG 101English Composition 1 ( G) 303
FYE 1XX First Year Experience Elective (B)  101
Semester 2  
FST 120Fire Behavior and Combustion ( T) 202
FST 129Fire Prevention ( T) 303
PHI 110Ethics ( T) 303
FST 1XX Fire Service Technology Elective (B)  71211
Semester 3  
FST 126Fire Protection Systems ( T) 202
ENG 10X English Composition Elective (G)  303
MAT 1XX Mathematics Elective (G)  223
Semester 4  
XXX XXX Social Science Elective (G)  303
FST 223Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival ( T) 202
COMM 1XX Communications Elective (B)  303
Semester 5  
FST 265Fire Service Instructor ( T) 233
FST 161Fire Officer 1 ( T) 404
MGT 101Principles of Management ( G) 303
Semester 6  
FST 228Legal Aspects of the Emergency Services ( T) 303
FST 226Building Construction for Fire Protection ( T) 303
FST 162Fire Officer 2 ( T) 404
Total Credits:  561762


First Year Experience Elective
FYE 100College Success Strategies: Overview1
FYE 105College Success Strategies: Overview and Application2
FYE 110College Success Strategies: Practice and Application3
Fire Service Technology Elective
FST 131
FST 132
Firefighter Professional 1
and Firefighter Professional 2
FST 14511
English Composition Elective
ENG 102English Composition 2: Contemporary Issues3
ENG 103English Composition 2: Writing about Literature3
ENG 104English Composition 2: Technical Communication3
ENG 105English Composition 2: Business Communication3
Mathematics Elective
MAT 115Pre-Statistics3
MAT 131Statistics 13
Social Science Elective
PSY 110Introduction to Psychology3
SOC 105Introduction to Sociology3
Communications Elective
COMM 105Interpersonal Communication3
COMM 110Public Speaking3

Some courses are offered in alternative versions identified with a letter after the course number-- for example, ENG 101 and ENG 101A.

  • This curriculum displays only course numbers without the added letter.
  • The alternative version, when available, meets the requirements of the course version without the added letter.

The letters G, B, and T (displayed after course titles or elective descriptions) identify types of courses required by the Ohio Department of Higher Education as part of an associate’s degree curriculum. 

G = General Education course in this curriculum

B = Basic Skills course in this curriculum

T = Technical course in this curriculum

Fire Safety (FST, FSTL)

  • Perform and function as a Firefighter 2 certified by Ohio Department of Public Safety (ODPS) and nationally accredited by National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (commonly known as the Pro Boards).
  • Perform and function as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certified as an Ohio and National EMT.
  • Demonstrate the importance and value of functioning as a team member at emergency scenes.
  • Provide additional value to the community through non-emergency assistance involving life safety education, inspections, and support at community events.
  • Promote and practice safety at all fire department and community functions.
  • Display and promote a healthy lifestyle and environment.


FST 101 Fire Cadet Fundamentals
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 2 Lab Hours.

A course on fundamental concepts and skills that apply to the fire cadet. Topics include: safety procedures and equipment, self-discipline, fire ground principles, emergency communication and systems, and evolving technologies and trends in firefighting.
Prerequisites: Instructor Consent

Instructor Consent Required

FST 103 Evolution of the Fire Service
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on the growth of the fire service from its creation through the 21st century. Topics include: changes in suppression methods, building codes, and rescue techniques; administrative philosophies; and personnel behaviors.
Prerequisites: None

FST 105 Firefighter Physical Preparedness
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 2 Lab Hours.

A course on preparing individuals for the rigors of firefighting, including balanced physical conditioning that incorporates all basic factors of fitness.
Prerequisites: Instructor Consent

Instructor Consent Required

FST 120 Fire Behavior and Combustion
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on theories and fundamentals of how and why fires start and spread, and how fires are controlled. Topics include: the chemistry of fire, combustion and heat transfer, stages of fire growth, toxic gases and smoke, and extinguishing agents.
Prerequisites: ENG 085 and MAT 093, or appropriate placements

Ohio Transfer Assurance Guide Approved

FST 123 Principles of Emergency Services
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on fire protection as an industry. Topics include: philosophy and history of fire services, fire departments as part of local government, protection systems, regulations and laws, and introductory fire ground strategy and tactics.
Prerequisites: ENG 085 and MAT 093, or appropriate placements

Ohio Transfer Assurance Guide Approved

FST 126 Fire Protection Systems
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on design and operation of fire alarm systems. Topics include: water-based fire suppression systems, special hazard fire suppression systems, water supply for fire protection, and portable fire extinguishers.
Prerequisites: ENG 085 and MAT 093, or appropriate placements

Ohio Transfer Assurance Guide Approved

FST 129 Fire Prevention
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on fundamental concepts of fire prevention. Topics include: history, philosophy, organization, and operation of a fire prevention bureau; use and application of codes and standards; plan review; fire inspections; fire and life safety education; and fire investigation.
Prerequisites: ENG 085 and MAT 093, or appropriate placements

Ohio Transfer Assurance Guide Approved

FST 131 Firefighter Professional 1
6 Credits. 4 Lecture Hours. 6 Lab Hours.

A course covering NFPA 1001 Firefighter 1 and 2 objectives. Topics include: ladders, personal protection clothing, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), fire extinguishers, search and rescue, ropes and knots, and hoses and nozzles. Students must successfully complete FST 131 and FST 132 and earn a passing score on the state firefighter exam to obtain Ohio Firefighter II certification.
Prerequisites: ENG 085 or appropriate placement, and FST 101 and FST 105, and instructor consent

Instructor Consent Required

FST 132 Firefighter Professional 2
5 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 6 Lab Hours.

A continuation of FST 131, covering NFPA 1001 Firefighter 1 and 2 objectives. Topics include: fire streams and foam, auto extrication, fire control, fire protection systems, and pre-incident surveys. Students must earn a passing score on the state firefighter exam to obtain Ohio Firefighter II certification. PROBOARD accreditation is available for interested students.
Prerequisites: FST 131 and instructor consent

Instructor Consent Required

FST 136 Emergency Vehicle Operator
1 Credit. 0 Lecture Hour. 2 Lab Hours.

A course on safe driving practices while responding in emergency vehicles. Topics include: techniques for safe operation, post-collision analysis, and unsafe practices during emergency response. Students must have a valid driver's license.
Prerequisites: Instructor consent, and ENG 080 and MAT 093, or appropriate placements

Instructor Consent Required

FST 161 Fire Officer 1
4 Credits. 4 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on preparing for the role of company officer, using NFPA 1021 Fire Officers Professional Qualifications Level 1 objectives. Topics include: human resource management, community and government relations, inspections, investigations, emergency service delivery, and safety. This course is delivered in an online format.
Prerequisites: FST 142

FST 162 Fire Officer 2
4 Credits. 4 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A continuation of FST 161, using standards defined for NFPA 1021 Fire Officers Professional Qualifications Level 2. This course is delivered in an online format.
Prerequisites: FST 161

FST 223 Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival
2 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on the history and basic principles of the national firefighter life safety initiatives, focusing on the need for cultural change throughout the emergency services.
Prerequisites: FST 142 or FST 145

Ohio Transfer Assurance Guide Approved

FST 226 Building Construction for Fire Protection
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on building construction in relation to firefighting and life safety. Topics include: elements of construction and design, building inspection factors, pre-planning fire operations, and safe operations during emergencies.
Prerequisites: FST 141

Ohio Transfer Assurance Guide Approved

FST 228 Legal Aspects of the Emergency Services
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on legal issues related to emergency services. Topics include: the American legal system; recent court decisions, events, and statutes; Americans with Disabilities Act; Family Medical Leave Act; Fair Labor Standards Act; and HIPAA.
Prerequisites: FST 100

FST 258 Rapid Assistance and Self-Rescue Operations
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 3 Lab Hours.

A course on saving your own life or saving lives of other firefighters. Topics include: MAYDAY, fire ground safety, communications, self awareness, rapid entry team preparedness, and survival techniques.
Prerequisites: FST 132

FST 265 Fire Service Instructor
3 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 3 Lab Hours.

A course on techniques for teaching adult learners knowledge and skills required for the Fire Services field, using NFPA 1041 Instructor 1 and 2 objectives. Topics include: domains of learning, learning outcomes and objectives, classroom preparedness, student safety, and legal obligations. Students must have five years experience as a firefighter.
Prerequisites: FST 142 and Instructor consent

Instructor Consent Required

FST 268 Fire Safety Inspector
3 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 3 Lab Hours.

A course on fire safety inspection procedures and responsibilities, using NFPA 1031 objectives. Students who are members of an Ohio Fire Department may take the state exam for Fire Safety Inspector at the end of the course.
Prerequisites: FST 142

FST 294 Internship 1: Fire Service Technology
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 40 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree participate in an unpaid field learning experience related to their degree. Students must follow applicable policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: FST 142 or FST 145 (minimum grade C for either)

Instructor Consent Required



Shawn Stacy, MS, EFO, NREMTP

Advisor/Co-op Coordinator

Phil Vossmeyer, AAS, FF1, FF2, AAS, FF1, FF2