Leadership Certificate (LDRC)

Leadership Certificate (LDRC)

The Leadership Certificate complements many degree programs. Students develop skills that apply to leadership positions in a variety of work and community environments, including skills in communication, small group facilitation, critical analysis, and problem solving.

Students who complete the Leadership Certificate gain knowledge of their own leadership styles, abilities, and outcomes through classroom activities as well as real-world leadership experiences.

The certificate has two tracks:

  • The Leadership Studies track is for students who want to take a team leadership role (for example, as a charge nurse, lead teacher, etc.) or who want to expand their leadership skills to become more marketable.
  • The Organizational Leadership track is for students who are seeking an organizational leadership position (for example, Project Coordinator, Training and Development Specialist, Organizational Analyst, etc.).

Students should consult with their advisor before choosing track electives.

For more information, please contact the Humanities and Sciences Division at (513) 569-1700.

To apply for this program at Cincinnati State, visit the Admissions section of the College website.

Leadership Certificate (LDRC)

First Year
Semester 1LecLabCredits
ENG 101English Composition 1 303
LDR 125Servant Leadership 303
XXX XXX Introductory Leadership Course Elective  303
Semester 2  
XXX XXX Communication Elective  303
LDR 120Inclusive Leadership 303
XXX XXX Track Elective 1  303
Semester 3  
XXX XXX Track Elective 2  303
XXX XXX Track Elective 3  303
XXX XXX Leadership Elective 1  303
Semester 4  
LDR 290Leadership Capstone 303
XXX XXX Leadership Elective 2  303
Total Credits:  33033


Students should consult with their advisor before choosing electives. Courses not listed below may be used only with prior permission of the chair. 

Introductory Leadership Course Elective (select 1)
LDR 100Introduction to Leadership3
LDR 115Introduction to Organizational Leadership3
MGT 101Principles of Management (Organizational Leadership Track Only)3
Leadership Studies Track Electives (complete all 3 requirements)
LDR 105Self as Leader3
or PSY 105 Psychology of Leadership
LDR 110Leading for Social Change3
LDR 225Leading Teams3
or LDR 230 Ethical Leadership
Organizational Leadership Track Electives (complete all 3 requirements)
LDR 230Ethical Leadership3
LDR 225Leading Teams3
or MGT 130 Project Management
NDR 100Introduction to Conflict Studies3
Communication Elective (select 1)
COMM 105Interpersonal Communication (Communication Competency)3
COMM 110Public Speaking3
Leadership Electives (select 2)
LDR 105Self as Leader3
LDR 110Leading for Social Change3
LDR 130Women and Leadership3
LDR 200Transformational Leadership in Practice3
LDR 220Critical Thinking in Leadership 13
LDR 225Leading Teams 13
LDR 230Ethical Leadership2
LDR 240Applied Leadership Theory (or MGT 220 Leadership)3
MGT 105Human Resource Management3
MGT 130Project Management3
NDR 100Introduction to Conflict Studies3
PSY 110Introduction to Psychology3
PSY 220Social Psychology3
SOC 105Introduction to Sociology3
New Footnote

Students should choose electives in consultation with Program Chair. Courses may not be used to fulfill multiple requirements.


LDR 100 Introduction to Leadership
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A foundational course on the practice of leadership. Topics include: understanding and assessing self as leader, inclusion, ethics, listening to out-group members, leaders and followers, and managing conflict. Students examine their characteristics that prepare them for leadership and their areas that may need development.
Prerequisites: None
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LDR 105 Self as Leader
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on developing leadership skills and designing a personal model of leadership. Topics include: assessing strengths and areas of growth to develop as a leader, perceptions of leadership, values and ethics, decision-making, motivation, innovation, emotional intelligence, and making a difference.
Prerequisites: Placement into ENG 101A
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LDR 110 Leading for Social Change
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on the Social Change Model of leadership development. Topics include: identifying values, beliefs, and social identity in the context of leadership for the common good; leadership and global citizenship; civic engagement; and integrating leadership with cultural competency and social justice.
Prerequisites: Placement into ENG 101A
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LDR 115 Introduction to Organizational Leadership
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course that examines the impact of leadership on organizational effectiveness. Topics include: understanding individuals in organizations; the difference between management and leadership in organizations; communication skills and managing conflict and communication; influencing and motivating others; building relationships; and leaders serving, performing, and acting as change agents.
Prerequisites: None
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LDR 120 Inclusive Leadership
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on leading diverse groups and individuals. Topics include: building on differences, creating an inclusive team culture and climate, adapting leadership styles for the appropriate context, and inclusive leadership skills and competencies.
Prerequisites: Placement into ENG 101A
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LDR 125 Servant Leadership
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

An introduction to the concept of servant leadership. Topics include: expectations of servant leaders, how values cultivate identity, leading with kindness, inspiring others, collaborating effectively with others, building an inclusive environment, focusing on others' success, and empowering and developing followers.
Prerequisites: Placement into ENG 101A
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LDR 130 Women and Leadership
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course that examines challenges and opportunities related to women's leadership development. Topics include: how gender affects leadership styles, traits, and effectiveness; effects of stereotypes and prejudice on women's under-representation in culture and politics; and movements that provide opportunities for women leaders.
Prerequisites: Placement into ENG 101A
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LDR 200 Transformational Leadership in Practice
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on concepts and applications of transformational leadership. Topics include: developing authentic leadership qualities that motivate others to reach their full potential; understanding, adapting to, and implementing change; and using a holistic approach to coach and transform others.
Prerequisites: Placement into ENG 101A
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LDR 220 Critical Thinking in Leadership
3 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 2 Lab Hours.

A course that prepares students to apply leadership skills through critical thinking, problem solving, and team building. Topics include: effective communication, self-awareness, examining and anticipating obstacles, setting roles, evaluating options, using creative flexibility, and making decisions.
Prerequisites: Placement into ENG 101A
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Instructor Consent Required

LDR 225 Leading Teams
3 Credits. 2 Lecture Hours. 2 Lab Hours.

A course on leading highly successful teams. Topics include: team dynamics and communication, theories of group intervention, and leader styles and behaviors that facilitate team performance. Students function as team members and as a team leader.
Prerequisites: FYE 120 or placement into ENG 101
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LDR 230 Ethical Leadership
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on concepts and approaches to ethical leadership. Topics include: evaluating and anticipating ethical challenges, establishing ethical norms, pursuing the greater good, demonstrating leader character, using strategies for promoting ethical decision-making in varied situations, and meeting the ethical challenges of cultural diversity.
Prerequisites: FYE 120 or placement into ENG 101 Take LDR 100 or LDR 115 or MGT 101
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LDR 240 Applied Leadership Theory
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on applying current interdisciplinary theories of leadership to the practice of leadership. Topics include: foundational and emerging research on leadership, social identity, in-group and out-group categorization, obedience and conformity, and persuasion.
Prerequisites: LDR 100 or LDR 105 or PSY 105, and ENG 101 (minimum grade C for all)
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LDR 290 Leadership Capstone
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

Students complete a series of projects and assignments that applies the knowledge and skills gained from previous leadership courses and experiences to current issues. Students also evaluate their leadership skills, values, philosophy, and characteristics.
Prerequisites: 9 hours of LDR courses
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