Hospitality Management (HOSP)

Hospitality Management (HOSP)

Students in the Hospitality Management program gain knowledge and skills related to the management of various hospitality venues, through classroom instruction, laboratory experience, and cooperative education.

Students select one of two tracks within the degree: Food and Beverage, or Operations.

  • Students in the Food and Beverage track also earn the Culinary Arts Certificate as part of the degree, and are qualified to work as managers of food service operations in a kitchen setting. 
  • Students in the Operations track learn basics of lodging and restaurant operation, along with event management skills and hospitality management training. Students can complete the Operations track through online learning, which provides flexibility in completing degree requirements.

Graduates earn an Associate of Applied Business degree and are prepared for supervisory positions in a variety of hospitality venues.

For more information, please contact the Business Technologies Division at (513) 569-1620.

To apply for this program at Cincinnati State, visit the Admissions section of the College website.

Hospitality Management (HOSP)

Semester 1LecLabCredits
FYE 1XX First Year Experience Elective (B)  101
ENG 101English Composition 1 ( G) 303
IM 1XX Computer Elective (B)  233
HRM 100Hospitality Careers ( T) 101
CUL 115Food Service Sanitation ( T) 101
MGT 101Principles of Management ( B) 303
MAT XXX Mathematics Elective (G)  303
Semester 2  
BUS 190Professional Practices ( T) 101
ENG 10X English Composition Elective (G)  303
HRM 110Food and Beverage Cost Control ( B) 303
XXX XXX Track Elective 1 (T)  303
XXX XXX Track Elective 2 (T)  303
Semester 3  
ACC 101Financial Accounting ( B) 223
COMM 1XX Communication Elective (T)  303
MKT 1XX Marketing Elective (B)  303
XXX XXX Track Elective 3 (T)  303
XXX XXX Track Elective 4 (T)  303
Semester 4  
HRM X9X Cooperative Education Elective: Hospitality Management (T)  1402
Semester 5  
LAW 101Business Law ( B) 303
HRM 135Event, Meeting, and Convention Management ( T) 404
XXX XXX Arts/Humanities Elective (G)  303
XXX XXX Social Science/Natural Science Elective (G)  303
Semester 6  
XXX XXX Cooperative Education Elective (T)  1402
Total Credits:  568560


First Year Experience Elective
FYE 100College Success Strategies: Overview1
FYE 105College Success Strategies: Overview and Application2
FYE 110College Success Strategies: Practice and Application3
Computer Elective
IM 111Computer Applications 3
IM 120Electronic Spreadsheets: Microsoft Excel3
IM 200Information Systems for Managers3
English Composition Elective
ENG 102English Composition 2: Contemporary Issues3
ENG 103English Composition 2: Writing about Literature3
ENG 104English Composition 2: Technical Communication3
ENG 105English Composition 2: Business Communication3
Mathematics Elective
MAT 105Quantitative Reasoning3
MAT 131Statistics 13
MAT 132Statistics 23
MAT 151College Algebra4
MAT 215Business Calculus6
MAT 251Calculus 15
MAT 252Calculus 25
Communication Elective
COMM 105Interpersonal Communication3
COMM 110Public Speaking3
Marketing Elective
MKT 101Principles of Marketing3
MKT 105Marketing and Customer Relations3
Food and Beverage Track Electives (must take all three)
CUL 100Culinary Demonstration2
CUL 101Culinary 13
CUL 102Culinary 23
Operations Track Electives (must take both)
HRM 115Rooms Division Management4
HRM 130Food and Beverage Division Management4
Additional Track Electives (take 4 credits)
ACC 102Managerial Accounting3
CUL 110Culinary Nutrition3
DT 120Nutrition for a Healthy Lifestyle3
DT 215Nutrition for Dietary Managers2
DT 225Dietary Manager Exam Review1
MGT 220Leadership3
Arts/Humanities Elective
Any OT36 course from ART, LIT, MUS, PHI, REL, THE, or COMM 1303
Socal Science/Natural Science Elective3
Any OT36 course from ECO, GEO, HST, LBR, POL, PSY, SOC, or BIO. CHE, EVS, PHY, PSC, or LH 110, LH 120, LH 130
Cooperative Education Electives (4 credit hours required)
HRM 191Part-Time Cooperative Education 1: Hospitality Management1
HRM 192Part-Time Cooperative Education 2: Hospitality Management1
HRM 193Part-Time Cooperative Education 3: Hospitality Management1
HRM 194Part-Time Cooperative Education 4: Hospitality Management1
HRM 197Part-Time Career Education Project: Hospitality Management1
HRM 291Full-Time Cooperative Education 1: Hospitality Management2
HRM 292Full-Time Cooperative Education 2: Hospitality Management2
HRM 297Full-Time Career Education Project: Hospitality Management2

Some courses are offered in alternative versions identified with a letter after the course number-- for example, ENG 101 and ENG 101A.

  • This curriculum displays only course numbers without the added letter.
  • The alternative version, when available, meets the requirements of the course version without the added letter.

The letters G, B, and T (displayed after course titles or elective descriptions) identify types of courses required by the Ohio Department of Higher Education as part of an associate’s degree curriculum. 

G = General Education course in this curriculum

B = Basic Skills course in this curriculum

T = Technical course in this curriculum

Hospitality Management (HOSP)

  • Demonstrate a working understanding of hospitality terminology, concepts, and functions.
  • Explain the functions of management as they relate to the food and beverage industry.
  • Demonstrate application of project management skills needed in the events/meeting management industry.
  • Demonstrate working knowledge of current laws, rules and regulations governing foodservice and lodging.
  • Demonstrate effective decision-making skills integrating knowledge of functional areas when managing hospitality operations.

HRM Courses

HRM 100 Hospitality Careers
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 0 Lab Hour.

An introduction to the hospitality industry including history, structure, trends, and career opportunities. This course is offered through online instruction only.
Prerequisites: None
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HRM 110 Food and Beverage Cost Control
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on cost control systems for food service. Topics include: food, beverage, and labor cost control; sales control; and profit and loss analysis.
Prerequisites: MAT 105A (minimum grade C) or appropriate Math placement, and Placement into ENG 101A
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HRM 115 Rooms Division Management
4 Credits. 4 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on rooms division management and operations. Topics include: operating procedures for performing the hotel audit, registration and reservations, hotel rates, posting charges and credits, housekeeping and sanitation, and security.
Prerequisites: None
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HRM 130 Food and Beverage Division Management
4 Credits. 4 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on concepts and techniques for food and beverage management and operations. Topics include: leadership and supervision, operating procedures, and internal and external marketing of food and beverage services.
Prerequisites: HRM 100
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HRM 135 Event, Meeting, and Convention Management
4 Credits. 4 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on concepts and techniques for effective management of special events. Topics include: event planning, sales processes within catering operations, and negotiating sales and catering contracts.
Prerequisites: HRM 115
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HRM 191 Part-Time Cooperative Education 1: Hospitality Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their first part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: BUS 190 (minimum grade C) and co-op coordinator consent
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Instructor Consent Required

HRM 192 Part-Time Cooperative Education 2: Hospitality Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their second part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: HRM 191
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HRM 193 Part-Time Cooperative Education 3: Hospitality Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their third part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: HRM 192
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HRM 194 Part-Time Cooperative Education 4: Hospitality Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their fourth part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: HRM 193
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HRM 195 Part-Time Cooperative Education 5: Hospitality Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their fifth part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: HRM 194
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HRM 196 Part-Time Cooperative Education 6: Hospitality Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their sixth part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: HRM 195
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HRM 197 Part-Time Career Education Project: Hospitality Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree complete individual study or a special project related to their major field and pertaining to their career goals. Working with an assigned faculty mentor, students define the project goals, carry out project tasks, and evaluate the results. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: BUS 190 and coordinator consent
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Instructor Consent Required

HRM 291 Full-Time Cooperative Education 1: Hospitality Management
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 40 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their first full-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: BUS 190 (minimum grade C) and co-op coordinator consent
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HRM 292 Full-Time Cooperative Education 2: Hospitality Management
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 40 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their second full-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: HRM 291
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HRM 293 Full-Time Cooperative Education 3: Hospitality Management
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 40 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their third full-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: HRM 292
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HRM 297 Full-Time Career Education Project: Hospitality Management
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 40 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree complete individual study or a special project related to their major field and pertaining to their career goals. Working with an assigned faculty mentor, students define the project goals, carry out project tasks, and evaluate the results. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: BUS 190 and coordinator consent
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Instructor Consent Required

MGT Courses

MGT 101 Principles of Management
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on the history and fundamental concepts of modern management. Topics include: planning, leading, organizing, and controlling; global and domestic environments for management; change management; quality management; team management; and communication skills for managers.
Prerequisites: FYE 120 or placement into ENG 101
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Ohio Transfer Assurance Guide Approved

MGT 105 Human Resource Management
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on the role of the human resource department and the supervisor's role in various human resource functions. Topics include: recruiting, choosing, and training employees; compensation and benefits; performance evaluation; disciplinary actions; and workplace rights and responsibilities.
Prerequisites: None
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MGT 120 Entrepreneurship
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on starting and growing new businesses. Topics include: identifying new venture opportunities, evaluating the viability of a new venture, and understanding skills needed for successful business operations. Students prepare a business plan for potential investor review.
Prerequisites: ACC 101
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MGT 125 Business Ethics
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on principles of business ethics and moral reasoning. Topics include: corporate disclosure, discrimination, whistle blowing, computer crime, and international ethics. This course is delivered through online instruction only.
Prerequisites: None
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MGT 130 Project Management
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

An introduction to project management in various industries. Topics include: planning and prioritizing projects, obtaining project approvals, working with diverse teams, managing all elements of projects, evaluating project results, and using Microsoft Project software.
Prerequisites: None
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MGT 131 Project Management Professional Certification Review
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on fundamentals of project management in various industries. Topics include: planning and prioritizing projects, obtaining project approvals, working with diverse teams, managing all elements of projects, evaluating project results, and using Microsoft Project software. This course satisfies the education requirement to sit for the PMP (Project Management Professional) exam.
Prerequisites: None
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MGT 140 Quality Management
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on concepts and techniques of quality management and continuous improvement for manufacturing and service organizations. Topics include: establishing a customer driven organization, and using effective feedback and control systems.
Prerequisites: MGT 101
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MGT 191 Part-Time Cooperative Education 1: Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their first part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: BUS 190 (minimum grade C)
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MGT 192 Part-Time Cooperative Education 2: Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their second part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: MGT 191
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MGT 193 Part-Time Cooperative Education 3: Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their third part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: MGT 192
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MGT 194 Part-Time Cooperative Education 4: Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their fourth part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: MGT 193
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MGT 195 Part-Time Cooperative Education 5: Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their fifth part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: MGT 194
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MGT 196 Part-Time Cooperative Education 6: Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their sixth part-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students are expected to register for academic courses during the same semester. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: MGT 195
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MGT 197 Part-Time Career Project: Management
1 Credit. 1 Lecture Hour. 20 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree complete individual study or a special project related to their major field and pertaining to their career goals. Working with an assigned faculty mentor, students define the project goals, carry out project tasks, and evaluate the results. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: BUS 190 and coordinator consent
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Instructor Consent Required

MGT 220 Leadership
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

A course on the role of successful integrative leaders in organizations. Topics include: historical and contemporary approaches to leadership, leadership for change, team leadership, servant leadership, and communication skills for leaders.
Prerequisites: MGT 101
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MGT 250 Business Coaching and Performance Management
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

An introduction to business coaching skills that can enhance individual and team performance in organizational settings. Course content aligns with the International Coach Federation's specified competencies. Topics include: establishing a coaching agreement, building trust, cultivating a coaching presence, creating action plans, setting goals, monitoring progress, and understanding the performance management process.
Prerequisites: MGT 101 and MGT 220
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MGT 290 Business Management Capstone
3 Credits. 3 Lecture Hours. 0 Lab Hour.

Students examine the entire scope of management, including functional and decision making areas such as production, marketing, finance, and accounting.
Prerequisites: MGT 101 and MKT 101 and ACC 101
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MGT 291 Full-Time Cooperative Education 1: Management
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 40 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their first full-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: BUS 190 (minimum grade C)
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MGT 292 Full-Time Cooperative Education 2: Management
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 40 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their second full-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: MGT 291
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MGT 293 Full-Time Cooperative Education 3: Management
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 40 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree participate in their third full-time field learning experience related to their degree. Students must follow cooperative education policies and procedures to earn credit. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: MGT 292
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MGT 297 Full-Time Career Education Project: Management
2 Credits. 1 Lecture Hour. 40 Lab Hours.

Students seeking an associate's degree complete individual study or a special project related to their major field and pertaining to their career goals. Working with an assigned faculty mentor, students define the project goals, carry out project tasks, and evaluate the results. Grades issued are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
Prerequisites: BUS 190 and coordinator consent
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Instructor Consent Required