Dietetic Technology (DT)

Dietetic Technology (DT)

Dietetic technicians are trained in food preparation and nutrition and are an integral part of health care and food service management teams. They promote optimal health through proper nutrition by providing personalized services to meet clients’ nutritional needs, and are trained to supervise people who prepare and serve food. 

Dietetic technicians work independently or in teams with registered dietitians in a variety of employment settings, including hospitals, nursing care centers, retirement centers, schools, food companies, and community health programs.

Program graduates earn an Associate of Applied Science degree that includes 472 hours of directed practice and practicums. Students are also required to complete an additional 31 hours of professional meetings, food shows, and wellness and program support activities.

Program Mission and Goals
The program will provide legendary educational experiences in preparing students for entry into positions involving food, nutrition, foodservice management and dietetics. We promise to:

  • Be student/customer-centered
  • Support success based academic standards
  • Provide world-class clinical and experiential learning
  • Provide comprehensive academic offerings

Goal 1: Prepare graduates who are competent for entry-level dietetic technician positions involving food, nutrition, and foodservice management.


  •     70% of program graduates will pass the NDTR credentialing exam on the first attempt.
  •     70% of program graduates will pass the NDTR credentialing exam within one year of first attempt.
  •     Within 12 months of graduation from the program, 65% of graduates will obtain nutrition related work.
  •     80% of students will complete the degree requirements within 3 years (150% of the two-year program length).

Goal 2: Graduates will be prepared to reflect standards of the dietetic technician and meet the employment needs of the tri-state area and the nation.

  •     Completion rates will be 70% or greater for the degree program.
  •     80% of employers of program graduates will rate graduates performance at 4 or better on a 5-item scale.
  •     80% of program graduates will rate their faculty and academic advising as "satisfied" or "very satisfied."
  •     80% of program graduates will rate their satisfaction with clinical or directed practice experience as "satisfied" or "very satisfied."

 Program outcomes data are available on request.
More information about the program, such as the process to become a Registered Dietetic Technician (DTR), costs, and completion requirements, is provided in the Student Handbook, which can be downloaded from the Dietetic Technology page of the College website.

The program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics, 120 South Riverside, Plaza Suite 2000, Chicago IL 60606. Website Phone (312) 899-0040, extension 5400.

Graduates of the program are eligible to take the Exam for Dietetic Technicians' national exam to become a Dietetic Technician, Registered.

For more information, please contact the Business Technologies Division at (513) 569-1620.

To apply for this program at Cincinnati State, visit the Admissions section of the College website.